How to Add A Poll To Your Website Using Hotjar

How to Add A Poll To Your Website Using Hotjar

Polls are a really great way to get quick, targeted feedback from your visitors. It can help you improve your content plans or even give you ideas for a future product release. In this super quick guide I’m going to show you how to setup polls on your site using a great app called Hotjar. Let’s get started!

Sign up to the Hotjar free account here.

WordPress users follow these instructions or these video instructions to install the initial Hotjar tracking code onto your site. It’s really easy, jsut install a plugin and paste in a code.

If you don’t have a wordpress site follow the instructions here.

Now the tracking code is installed you have access to the wealth of features in Hotjar. For now we just want to setup a poll but I highly recommend exploring all the other features in the suite.

In the left sided menu of the dashboard click on Polls. Click on the green button ‘+ New Poll’.


Enter the basic details of your poll.


In the preview section you can change the position of the poll as well as background colour. Below the preview you will see the ‘Questions’ section. This is where you enter your poll question(s). There are lots of different question types but I suggest making it as easy as possible for your visitor to answer the poll so just keeps answers short and multiple choice.


In the display section you have many options such as customising the poll to target only certain pages or appear after a certain amount of time on page.

Click ‘Set Page Targeting’ and a window will display. To display the poll on all pages just set the dropdown to ‘URL Contains’ and then enter your domain name. Click ‘Add’ and the window will close.

Trigger Behaviour can be set to whatever you wish. I didn’t want to bombard the user when they visited the page so I set a delay of 10 secs.


Lastly set the poll to Active and click Create Poll


Your poll should now display on the page(s) you have set it to.


About the author

Paul Manwaring: This is where we share a thoughts, tips and research into the world of marketing, design and business. Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook.


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